After receiving a vision through the power of the Holy Spirit at her induction ceremony, one of our Spiritual Mothers was led to begin the ‘White Rose Memorial’ ministry for our deceased Spiritual Mothers. In the vision, Mother Mary placed a white rose on this particular Spiritual Mother’s grave. After much discernment, the Spiritual Mother was led to understand that we give our “Yes” to Our Lady, in part, when we place a white rose into a vase at our induction ceremony and that Mother Mary holds on to our rose from that day forward. Please note the white rose represents the priest-son that the spiritual mother intercedes for, united with our Mother of Sorrows as she suffered to see her Son going through the Passion and dying on the Cross. She gives us back our rose by placing it lovingly on our grave after our death. She does this to thank us for our prayers and sacrifices while here on earth. The Spiritual Mother was also given to understand that once we become a Spiritual Mother, we are always a Spiritual Mother—not only in this life, but also in the next; this is life long commitment —a calling—to spiritual motherhood of priests, to pray for our adopted priest-son each day in this life and forever in eternity.

Therefore, beginning in 2021 and going forward, in the spirit of Divine Mercy and as a Corporal work of mercy, each November (the month of the Holy Souls), the cemeteries of the Spiritual Mothers who have passed away that year will be visited and a white rose will be placed at their grave; attached to the white rose will be a specially made prayer card with the image of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows holding a bouquet of white roses. In addition to this, a Mass was —and will continue to be offered each year—for the repose of the souls of all Spiritual Mothers in this apostolate who have passed away.
White Rose Memorial
In its inaugural year (2021), two Spiritual Mothers, accompanied by Fr. Pierre Champoux, our Chaplain and Vocations Director of the Diocese of Ottawa-Cornwall, visited the resting place of the fifteen (15) Spiritual Mothers who had passed away since the beginning of the apostolate in 2011.
White Rose Memorial--Fr. Pierre Champoux and Carol Chamberlain at Notre Dame Cemetery
Inspired by the Holy Spirit the ‘White Rose Memorial’ ministry aims to honour each deceased Spiritual Mother, thanking them for their “YES” and spiritual devotion to their adopted priest-son.